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Belize Day 6

The lesson of the day is: if you have the choice of driving or hiking up hill for one mile in 100% humidity you drive. We visited a smaller ruin today. Compared to Tical it is diminutive. Notably, the main temple had a fully restored frieze which was rather nice…

Belize Day 5

Today we visited Tikal in Guatemala via an all day tour. Our guide handled all of the border crossing details, and that was good because shotgun wielding militia are always intimidating. Generally, travel between Belize and Guatemala is a regular and uneventful affair. This was no always the case however….

Belize Day 5

The half-way point. More excellent food from the Howler Monkey Lodge. This mornings johnny cakes lasted well past just breakfast and became cashew fruit laden snacks a day hence. The Howler Monkey Lodge is part of a cooperative of farmers dedicated to reducing environmental impact and practicing sutainable farming. The…

Belize Day 4

For the most part, I feel this is verily a country in which I could live. Most importantly, there is a general friendliness exuded by the peoples here that seems quite genuine. Secondly, everyone seems quite happy to live in harmony with each other despite any racial, ethnic, or other…

Belize day 3

Today the wind is nonexistent. This makes for bad kite boarding but really good snorkeling. We had a 5 hour guided tour of amazing sea life and the coral reef. Fish, rays, and nurse sharks close enough to touch abounded. The reef itself was like an entirley new world. We…

Belize day 2

Unfortnately, the wind was not with us today and we were not able to do the full kite boarding course. We did eveything up until actually getting on a board. Certainly we will need to seek out instruction in CT this summer. Sarah fell into a sea urchin though. Hopefully…

Belize day 1

Aside from a rough entry into Belize City and a few unruly children who smelled of poo the flights were uneventful. Lunch was conch cerviche and dinner included red snapper and stone crab — really thick shells. Kite boarding is amazing fun.

Belize bound

Four hours of sleep and we are on our way.

Costa Rica Day 4

The tour today centered around Cano island. The weather was much calmer but butts were still sore and chaffed from the days prior. We had two snorkeling sessions amoung the reefs that surround the island. Supposedly, the under water sights are not as grand as at other locales in the…