Death of a Superstar

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Death of a Superstar

On July 6, 2010, Posted by , In whatilearned, By , With No Comments

Our most appreciated koi, Biggie, was eaten by a wild beast last night. Indeed, he was just a fish but he had been with us for so long. Twice he jumped out of the water only to be rescued at the last possible moment. Aside from some possible brain damage due to asphyxiation, we thought him to be immortal. Most of all we will miss his sucking on our fingers.

Feeling sad about the death of something like a fish gets me thinking. Certainly, the fish was not a friend; there is no empty hole in my like that was before filled with fish. However, there were experiences had which centered around this creature. It is perhaps the direct contact with the ephemeral nature of said experiences – and life itself – that causes the up-welling.

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