Pottery – Peruvian Inspired
Inspired by Peruvian pottery as seen at Peabody Museum.
Tapered Bottom Decanter w/Low Handles and Stand
Stand and pot 100% dip in Tenmoku.
Shape painted on pot in TFH Tan.
Bottom of base dipped in TFH Tan.
Small Jugs w/Offset Spouts
The one with the flatter top was thrown as a closed form while the other was thrown open and a flat lid added when leather hard. The closed form one grew a small crack after firing due to inadequate compression of the closed area while wet.
The reddish area is iron slip. Carving done when fully dry. Circular patterns with the aid of a carousel; the rest free-hand.
Both were glazed identically.
Celedon poured inside.
Celedon sprayed very lightly outside.
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