Belize day 8

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Belize day 8

On June 4, 2010, Posted by , In Travel, By ,, , With No Comments

Today is our last day in San Ignacio and last full day in the country. Sure, there are a few more activities we could have done — such as traveling to the more traditional Souh of the county — but I feel good that we covered enough of the country.

This morning we visited the iguana sanctuary maintained by the hotel. We had iguana crawling all over us. They often cater to large, local school groups in an effort to promote awareness.

There seems to be a real push for preservation in this country, but whether the locals at large adhere to that I am not sure. Ecotourism is rapidly growing industy here and one gets the feeling that there is much emphasis placed upon it.

Two more home-cooked meals at the howler monkey lodge and we are off.

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