This information is also available in an condensed resume format.
Design and develop embedded software for wearables and wireless home speakers
Wearables development on Qualcomm ultra-low power BT audio SoCs with embedded C.
Speaker work primarily focused on software running on ST Low Power Micros running FreeRTOS and embedded Linux C++.
Notable features included: system architecture, Li-ion battery/power management, local UI, input handling (tactile and capacitance touch), LED/lightbar control and animation, power management, interrupt handling/debouncing, I2C communication, IPC messaging, and more.
Significantly contributed to 6 shipping products including:
Held roles in key areas of product operability ensuring successful and on-time product launches.
Key Technologies
C, C++, Python, FreeRTOS, Qualcomm BT chipsets, Li-ion battery management, embedded Linux, Git, Bluetooth, BLE
Oscilloscape has developed novel technology for processing audio using neural networks that resonate to acoustic signals. We are currently pursuing applications for this technology that include detectability and music analysis.
Drive technical innovation, direction, and implementation. Architect and develop formal software implementations of existing research-derived algorithms and processes. Engineer (hardware and software) embedded devices for rhythm detection and visualization. As technical lead for product development: draft design documents, source hardware components, and contribute to the creative process for product launch.
Designed and developed first commercial product, Synchrony™. Played a key role in development and role-out of product Kickstarter campaign.
Key Technologies
C++, Swift, Mobile, iOS, Kickstarter, Matlab, GPU acceleration, Arrayfire (GPU acceleration), Armadillo C++, Raspberry Pi, Arduino, Bluetooth, embedded devices, music visualization, Linux.
Venan has grown from small games for classic cell phones to being one of the foremost developers of iOS games. My first project for the company was Monopoly® for the iPod classic. Since then, I have been lead developer on a good number of titles and have contributed to almost all of Venan’s productions via work on our cross-platform game engine. All of Venan’s games are produced boutique-style in very small teams (2 – 4 developers) and in rapid development cycles (6 -18 months). As a developer at Venan, I have had to work very closely with both artists and designers; we adhere to the belief that developers are not just programmers, and should be an integral part of the design process.
Lead developer
Space Miner Wars (Venan Entertainmen)
(2013 – present)
Space Miner Wars is a free-to-play action/base-building hybrid with full 3D graphics. I have had the opportunity to work on a aspects of the game from server back-end to UI with a foucs on graphics and game engine architecture. It is also my responsibility to act as a team lead for a tight-knit group of developers.
Key Technologies
Freemium game concepts, iOS, Android, C++, Java, REST, MySQL, Tomcat, Couchbase, Amazon Cloud services, DLC.
Lead developer
RoadTrippin’ (EA Mobile)
(June 2011 – 2012)
RoadTrippin’ is a freemium game contracted to Venan through EA Mobile.
As lead developer, I was in charge of the design and implementation of both the iOS client and the server infrastructure. The iOS client communicates via RESTful HTTP transactions to a 10+ node, load-balanced Java server (JBoss) backed by a sharded MySQL database.
Led a team of 2 – 4 developers.
Design and implement client using an asynchronous, message-based architecture. Design and implement the server platform including REST transactions and database back-end. Work closely with deployment and system administration teams to provide support during produc roll-out and updates. Design and implement a framework for DLC to easily add new content at a later date.
RoadTrippin’ was released Nov 2011 and is currently being enjoyed by thousands and thousands of players.
Key Technologies
Freemium game concepts, iOS, C++, Objective-C, Java, REST, MySQL, JBoss, Couchbase, Amazon Cloud services, DLC.
Lead Developer
NBA Elite 11 (EA Mobile)
(Oct 2010 – May 2011)
NBA Elite 11 is the 5th in the series of EA Sport’s basketball franchise ported to mobile gaming. Venan has produced all of them since NBA LIVE 07. This installment is the second to make use of the full technology of the iOS platform and includes a full 3D skeletal animation system, OpenGLES shaders, and an extensively optimized rendering pipeline.
Led a team of 3 – 4 developers.
Design and implement the upgrade to NBA Live for iOS. Design and implement OpenGL shaders. Maintain and enhance
3D skeletal animation system.
NBA Elite 11 was released in November 2010 and was enjoyed by many players until EA’s license with the NBA expired 🙁
Key Technologies
iOS, C++, Objective-C, OpenGLES, GLSL, shaders, 3D skeletal animation.
Lead developer
Sonic at the Olympic Winter Games (SEGA USA)
(Aug 2009 – Jan 2010)
This game was officially licensed by the IOC as a tie-in for the 2010 Vancouver Winter Olympics. It featured four events: curling, snowboarding, figure skating, and skeleton – all rendered in 3D. Each event had unique game-play and input mechanics. For example, curling required the player to use tactics and touch input to aim and manipulate the stones while snowboarding made use solely of the accelerometer.
Led a team of 3 developers. Design and implement the architecture of the game. Implement a framework that would easily allow for new games to be added at a later date.
The game was released at the end of January and enjoyed by a handful of people before SEGA pulled the game a week later for undisclosed reasons 🙁
Key Technologies
iOS, C++, Objective-C, OpenGLES, GLSL, shaders, 3D skeletal animation.
Misc Projects
In addition to the specific projects listed above, I provided miscellaneous support and library development on the following titles:
Engineered custom multimedia experiences for top brand companies such as Time Warner Cable and BMW. Integrated all layers of technology from customer experience down to server architecture. Frameworks designed for minimum spin-up time and maximum reuse. Utilization of modern digital experience technologies and concepts.
Key Technologies
JQuery, AngularJS, C#, .NET, Linux, Shell Scripting, System Administration.
For additional information, see Reality Interactive

Aug 2005 – Dec 2007
Engineer, design, architect, and implement a graphical application suite used to automate tissue/cell analysis.
Suite integrates third-party fluorescence microscopy hardware with custom software
(AQUAnalysis™). Massive tissue micro-array (TMA)
and whole-tissue section (WTS) data sets are collected and analyzed in a “one-click” process using cell morphology
and biomarker quantization. Additionally, managed development environment server (Linux) containing SVN source control,
back-ups, and additional infrastructure.
Advance technology development up through FDA medical device certification.
Develop and implement new analysis algorithms. Design and implement hardware to software interface.
Design and implement graphical user interface. Maintain software repository and change tracking systems.
Manipulate and analyze high precision images for use in high throughput micro biological quantification.
Key Technologies
Image processing, fluorescence microscopy, biological imaging, TMA, WTS, .NET, C#, C++, MS Visual Studio, Windows GUI design,
Linux, SVN.
HistoRx no longer exists. Its technologies were acquired by Genoptix.
Global Services
Lead developer
Open Infrastructure Offerings (April 2004 – Aug 2005)
HorizonAG internal/external site development (Oct 2002 – Aug 2005)
SmartCard – Card Management System (CMS) (Apr 2001 – June 2002)
Administrated a Linux server that housed services needed by Helpdesk staff.
Staff management, training of consultants, and hardware/software acquisition. Provide tech support for and assist in installation
and maintenance of cable modem network. Systems administrator.
Key Technologies
Debian Linux, MySQL, Perl, and Apache, ModPerl.