Just Smile and Nod

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Just Smile and Nod

On April 16, 2008, Posted by , In Random, With No Comments

I had the unfortunate experience – as many do – of being at the receiving end of a strangely enraged driver. The incident merely entailed an interchange of ideas: him with frantic arm gestures signaling his superiority and me with a peace sign and a smile. Yet, irrespective of fault, it is curious how such a relatively trivial event can infect. I found myself mulling over the incident for no sensible reason.

When people interact with other people, there are bound to be misunderstandings and inevitably grievances. What seems most natural to us is to cling to our ill feelings and then pass them on to others and so forth an infection will spread. I would venture to guess that the motivation for this behavior is to somehow make righteous the wrongs we suffered by having others feel the same. No good can come of ill deeds replicated.

Since everyone is capable of starting an infection, we must take every opportunity to stop the spread of others. Instead of letting the current of anger grab hold of me, I aim to make a point of stopping it at me. Whenever I can I try to act as a breakwater. This is hardly ever the easy path. Yet, when I think of how many more people might have be pissed of in turn by me, I am know it was worthwhile.

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